Tips to Pass the Board Licensure Exam


Tips to Pass the Board Licensure Exam


1.     Decide to take the Board Exam or not and stick to it.

The choice to take the Board Licensure Exam lies on you. Have the resolve to see your choice through. Whatever lies ahead is unknown, have the courage to face the challenges head on. After the decision has been made, the top class review center, St. Louis Review Center can help you in strengthening your resolve to succeed in the board exams.


2.     Plan your review for the Board Exam.

“Chances and opportunities favor only the prepared mind.” Make sure you give ample time on reviewing for the Board Exam. Let’s face it; you can’t possibly start reviewing a week before the exams. And it would also be very difficult to allot all your waking hours in just reviewing for the exams. That’s why you should make an actual schedule for the days you allot for reviewing for the exam. It is definitely recommended to enroll here at SLRC to help you in passing or topping the board exam.


3.     Drills, drills, drills Read, read, read. Drills, drills, drills

Do a pre-test to gauge your stock knowledge then read your review materials, and then do a post-test to gauge how much you retain what you have read. Practice reading, analyzing and answering test questions. There is a lot of merit in repetition in answering test questions. It makes your body and mind used to the feel of taking the exam so that you won’t be surprised in the actual Board Exam. Here at SLRC, we have the adequate tools that will help in the test taking practice. We have our online test bank that has the comprehensive content of test drills with challenging questions and time allotment. Our office is also open anytime you are free to have the pencil and paper tests to test yourself for the board exams.


4.     Ask some advice from previous passers.

Don’t be afraid or shy to ask your friends or colleagues who already passed the Board Exam for the advice or tips on how to review and how to use the time effectively during the Board Exam. Here at SLRC, we bring our board exam passers and topnotchers to you, they will provide with a lot of tips and advice how to not just pass but to TOP the board exams.


5.     Know a little bit of everything.

Be aware that not everything that you read in your review materials would come out in the actual Board Exam. So it would not hurt to know a little bit of everything. SLRC has a collection of reading materials of many disciplines that can further your knowledge on many aspects.


6.     Be confident and optimistic.

Taking an exam that will decide the course of your career and quite possibly, your life is undeniably nerve-wracking. However, please remember that you won’t be able to accomplish anything if you have already set your mind in failing. How can you possibly win if you already believed that you have lost? SLRC will be with you in every step of the way, from the moment you enrolled, we will give you whatever you need to succeed, of course, including emotional support. We will be your cheering squad in the times wherein things get too much.


7.     Relax your body and mind.

On the day of your examination, relax and keep calm. Don’t be pressured and enjoy the experience. Make sure that you have eaten just enough so that your brain can function properly. Here at SLRC, we will provide the necessary tips that will help you in the relaxation of your body and mind before and during your examination day.


8.     Pray

Do not be ashamed to ask for help. And what is the best help that you can get but from God? God will always help you in bringing in your best on your Board Exam Day. He will never fail you. SLRC also provides spiritual support and we believe in the power of prayers. We make sure that your success is part of our prayers.


The leading and premier review center in the Philippines for Criminology (CLE), Nursing (NLE), Professional Teachers (LET), and Civil Service (CSE).

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